Dinos in Action


A was very excited to try on her “dinosaur skirt” this morning. I think perhaps the best part of this skirt are the pockets, pockets in general really. At least in a two-year-old’s mind, the functionality of a piece of clothing is in how many rocks, acorns or other “treasures” it can hold.

Let me take a second to just say that the things home sewers are making are just incredible. I think this is the first KCW that I’ve had the time to look at what others are making and I am pretty inspired. The things I present on my little humble blog here shy in comparison, but we all sort of represent the same thing.

It is a seemingly lost art to do your craft or talent and perform it with diligence and care for the simple reason that it is the “doing” itself that brings us joy. Of course there’s also the reward of seeing it put a smile on your little one’s face, but the soul filling process of making something out of nothing and doing it with a sense of pride and craftsmanship isn’t an everyday thing anymore. Maybe it never was, I shouldn’t assume, but the idea of “apprenticeship” seems like an old colloquialism. That’s what the online community of sewers feels like. We all share this little pocket community of indie patterns and fabrics, homegrown ideas and projects and KCW gives us the opportunity to sort of apprentice with each other’s ideas. It’s a beautiful thing.


A wasn’t really in a photo taking mood this morning, so I just snapped a few quick shots while we played around in the yard and fed the animals. Our living room double window has become a centerpiece in our home life as mama and little one. Every morning we feed the animals together, the cat, the dog, and lastly, the bird feeders just outside the big window. Whether we are doing art at the table, playing in the play kitchen or doing some “school work” at the little table, the birds are a constant ebb and flow at the window. “There’s a boy cardinal, mama!” “I think that one was a nuthatch.” It’s lovely to hear her noticing the world just outside our little house.


In case you are interested, I thought I would share some of the online home artists who inspire me:

Gail, who I’ve linked to many times.

Alicia, who does a lot of knitting and has a daughter the same age. They are a duo that enjoy hikes like A and I. But what’s more is that they live in one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been – the Pacific NW.

Rachel, who sews beautifully tailored garments for her daughters and shares our love for celebrating the little things in childhood and family life. She also homeschools and seems like the most organized person in the whole wide world! I don’t know how she does it all.

Amanda, who shares heartwarming accounts of her farm life with children and all the many projects she and her husband create for their family. She is also the author of a number of books – one of which I’ve used many times for making letter satchels, birthday crowns, and other little sentimental projects. She really knows how to create heartfelt gifts.



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